Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week Fifty One: Wrapping Presents with the BIA to Raise Money for the Local Food Bank.

This year, I had a bit of trouble to get into the spirit of the holidays. I’ve been busy and didn’t do much shopping since my brothers took care of most of it - which also means little to no present wrapping, which I really enjoy doing and gets me very much into Christmas. So I figured I’d lend a hand to my local BIA, (the Bank Street BIA), whom I saw were organizing a present wrapping station and accepting donations for the Centretown Emergency Food Centre. Two birds one stone, I thought!

Instagram: @geneseguin. #k4kproject

They also had a food donation box as well as a clothing drop-off, which I found perfect since I could drop off the food donations I collected from the people in my apartment building in October. 

Overall, it proven to be a really fun time; I got to meet some great people and am now feeling the Christmas cheer a bit more!

Now next week will be the last act of kindness for my project. I can't believe it's already been a year since I started... It's been a good one. 
Stay tuned for week fifty two!  


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